V okviru projekta POVEJ!, ki letos poteka tudi na naši šoli, smo se udeležili srečanja prvih treh razredov v telovadnici, na katerem smo razmišljali, kaj je medvrstniško nasilje in kaj storimo, če smo deležni nasilija ...
"Kaj bi storili, če bi ta hip stopil v našo telovadnico velikan?"
"Brcnil bi ga!"
"Ponudil bi mu čokolado!"
"Skril bi se!"
"Tekel bi po hišnika!"
Možnosti imamo več in nasilje zagotovo ni prava.
Ta projekt se izvaja na nekaterih slovenskih šolah in pomaga otrokom in delavcem šole prepoznati medvrstniško nasilje in ukrepati v primeru le-tega. Več o projektu si lahko preberete s klikom na POVEJ!
Those who can, do.
Those who can't, bully.
2 komentarja:
Hi Sparkles,
We have bullies too. Seems there are bullies all over the world. We always tell an adult right away. Did you write your own class rules? We did. We have a rule that says, "You can't say, You can't play." It helps us keep safe because we always have a friend around. We hope you are safe and happy too.
Love from Maine, USA
Dear Fish,
thanks for your comment. Our project on peer violence is called TELL! and it helps us recognise violent behavior. It instructs us to tell someone about it immediately.
In our class we have some rules which help us build positive atmosphere:
1. Don't make jokes of others.
2. Don't kick or push anyone.
3. Don't separate anyone from a game.
If we break rules, we have some consequences to deal with.
But we believe we live in quite safe enviroment. We hope you feel safe in your school too.
Love from your friends, the Sparkles
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