Naši prijatelji Ribe iz Maina v ZDA so bili tako pridni, da so na Googlu izbrskali, kako se po slovensko vošči srečno novo leto in vesel božič. A potožili so nam, da si precej lomijo jezike in da si ne upajo posneti voščila v živo, saj si ne predstavljajo dobro, kako naj bi se vse skupaj sploh izgovorilo. Seveda smo se odločili, da jim pomagamo.
Here's how it sounds SREČNO NOVO LETO (Happy New Year) in Slovenian:
And VESEL BOŽIČ (Merry Christmas):
Plus one more thing :D After a big (reeeeaaaaally B.I.G.) rain, we finally got snow. Hurraaaaaay!!!
The school playground got all white and looking out just makes our hearts fly. Tomorrow we're planning to make some gorgeous snowmen :)
4 komentarji:
Thank you for helping us! We will practice and make a video for you too. We hope you enjoy making snowmen. Our teacher sent you a poem about snowmen. We hope you like it.
The Fish
Dear Fish,
the poem your teacher sent us is so lovely! She told me it is a fingerplay, so I wish I knew how the fingers move. We'll learn it and maybe make a video :)
Unfortunately the very next day the rain started, so we had to cancel our snowmen-building actions. But in the afternoon it turned into snow again, so our plans are still on. We'll let you know about the progress ...
Best from Sparkles.
And - yessss! - we're looking forward to getting some pictures from you :)
Dear Sparkles,
As soon as our video camera is fixed we will make you a video of the snowman poem and... a surprise!
The Fish
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