ponedeljek, 18. januar 2010


Zobna miška zbira naše mlečne zobke. Pred spanjem ji zobek nastavimo v škatlico ob postelji ali ga položimo pod blazino. Nekateri ji zobek pustimo v skrinjici na omari ali pa celo pod smrečico v kuhinji. Včasih ji poleg položimo tudi kakšen prigrizek, da se med delom malo okrepča. Ko sladko zaspimo, nam miška za zobek pusti darilo ali celo denar. Prinesla nam je že vse mogoče: različne igrače, globus, verižico z diamantom, uhančke, strip, knjigo o vesolju, karte ... In miška, če mogoče bereš tole - nismo te še videli, ampak imamo te zeeeeelooooo radi.
Our tooth fairy is actually a mouse.

In v zadnjem času imamo zobkov vse manj in zobna miška ima dela vse več:

Tooth mouse, tooth mouse, where did you go?

You took another two of my teeth away!

How will I live without them?

There's such a draught in my mouth!

I'd like to have my teeth back!

Tooth mouse, tooth mouse, return them to me!

After losing a baby tooth we place it under a pillow or in a little box beside our bed before going to sleep. Late at night the tooth mouse comes into our home and replaces the tooth with coins or a small bill or a little present. Sometimes we leave there also some seeds or tiny slice of bread for her to get a little snack. We haven't actually seen the tooth mouse yet, but we love her very much.

6 komentarjev:

NT pravi ...

Kako zelo je tale miška srčkana :D

In kako zelo lepo smo se vsi naučili pesmico! Bravo!

Cici.matickava pravi ...

Kako vsi obvladate tole pesmico! Čestitke!!!

The Fish pravi ...

We like your poem very much! Most of us have lost many teeth too. Some of us have no front teeth at all! We have a song we sing at Christmas that goes, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth". Your Tooth Mouse is very cute. We wonder if she knows our Tooth Fairy?
The Fish

ISKRICE pravi ...

Hello Fish :)

Thank you for your note. Some of us know the song you mentioned performed by Alvin and the Chipmunks. (We're looking forward to seeing part 2 in the cinema soon!)How does your Tooth Fairy look like? Can she fly?

Love from Sparkles!

NT pravi ...

Težave na Bloggerju so očitno odpravljene - naši filmčki spet delajo ... :D

The Fish pravi ...

Hello to the Sparkles,
We don't know what the Tooth Fairy looks like. None of us have ever seen her. She comes at night, when we are sleeping. She takes your tooth out from under your pillow, but we never catch her!
The Fish