torek, 9. februar 2010


Kaj si želimo zase, za svet?

What do we wish for ourselves, for the world?

RIJAD: Da bi bili vsi otroci na svetu pridni, tudi jaz.

That all the children were good, me too.

PATRICIJA: Da bi imeli v šoli samo matematiko in športno vzgojo. Da na Zemljo ne bi nikoli več padel komet.

That there were only maths and gym in school. That no comet would ever fall on Earth again.

JAŠA: Da bi lahko letel in da bi bili vsi ljudje na svetu dobri.

That I could fly and that all the people in the world were good.

NIK: Da bi poletel na Luno.

That I could fly to the Moon.

EVA: Da bilo vse okrog mene iz sladkarij. Da bi imeli vsi na svetu radi žabe.

That all the things around me were made of sweets. That everybody loved frogs.

MATIC : Da bi starši vedno dali prednost otrokom in vsem njihovim željem pred svojimi.

That children's wishes always came first.

OSLIČI (Matičev osliček): Da ne bi nihče streljal živali in da ne bi sekali gozdov.

That noone would kill animals and that people wouldn't destroy woods.

LIA: Da bi šla na Japonsko in bi videla vulkan Fuji-san. Da na svetu ne bi bilo lumpov.

That I went to Japan and saw the vulcano Fuji-san. That there were no bad people in the world.

MATEJ: Da bi se lahko spremenil v karkoli, da bi reševal ljudi, da bi bili vsi ljudje na svetu prijazni.

That I could transform into everything that crossed my mind. That I could rescue people. That all the people in the world were nice.

MAJ: Da bi močno snežilo po celem svetu in bi bili vsi otroci srečni.

That it snowed heavily all around the world and that all the children were happy.

LANA: Da bi lahko letela in videla ves svet. Da na svetu ne bi bilo lovcev na živali.

That I could fly and see the world. That there were no animal hunters.

LUKA: Da bi poletel na Luno in na svetu ne bi bilo hudobnih ljudi.

That I could fly to the Moon and that there were no bad people in the world.

LARA: Da bi obstajale živali iz snega in da bi bilo na svetu dovolj hrane za vse.

That there were animals made of snow and that no people would ever starve again.

MARK: Da se mojemu psu Rašu ne bi nikoli nič hudega zgodilo in da na svetu ne bi bilo katastrof - poplav, potresov, vojn ...

That nothing happened to my dog Raš and that there were no catastrophes ever - floods, earthquakes, wars ...

LANA: Da bi lahko letela in čarala. Da bi obstajale čarovnije in čudeži. Da ne bi bilo hudobnih ljudi ...

That I could fly and that magic and miracles existed. That there were no bad people in the world.

JULIJ: Da bi zima ne trajala dolgo, da bi lahko igral golf. In da bi letel na turbo pogon. Da bi bili vsi otroci na svetu prijazni.

That the winter wouldn't last long, so I could soon play golf. That I could fly by turbo power. That all the children would be nice.

ELENA: Da bi bil vedno sneg in da bi na svetu ne bilo lopovov.

That the snow never dissapeared and that there were no bad people in the world.

IVO: Ne povem, ker se bojim, da se mi potem želja ne bo uresničila ...

I'm not gonna tell you because my wishes won't come true then ...

GAL: Da bi lahko poletel v vesolje in da bi naši nogometaši zmagali na svetovnem prvenstvu v Južni Afriki.

That I could fly to the space and that our football players won the world championship in South Africa this summer.

GAJA: Da bi bila zdrava in da bi postala najboljša balerina na svetu. Da bi bili vsi zajčki in vse veverice in vsi ljudje na svetu srečni.

That I was healthy and that I became the best ballet dancer in the world. That all the rabbits and the squirrels and all the people in the world were happy.

JANEZ: Da bi bil neuničljiv ter da bi reševal ljudi in jim pomagal.

That nothing could destroy me and that I could rescue people and help them.

EVA: Da bi bila v Flachavu in da bi smučala. Da bi vse otroke vsak dan obiskal Božiček.

That I was in Flachau skiing. That Santa would visit children every day.

FILIP: Da bi bil svet večji. Da bi bili vsi ljudje zdravi. Da bi znal leteti in bi lahko reševal ljudi.

That the world would be bigger. That all the people would be healthy. That I could fly and rescue people.

2 komentarja:

Ms. Mathes pravi ...

Beautiful children and beautiful wishes! Thank you for writing in English too so that The Fish can read these. So many of us wish we could fly, and have good wishes for animals.
Your friends in Maine, USA

mateja pravi ...

in jaz si želim, da bi bila šola našim /in vsem drugim/ otrokom vse življenje v takšno veselje !!!!!!!!!!!